Dentro da minha sepultura eu posso ouvir a Cega assassina cantando as notas sujas Pela terra que cobre meu caixão de Madeira podre Leiloaram minha sentença E quem mais pagou por ela me odiava Dammed hands build coffins, coffins With certain measure for the poor They build damaged wood coffins Maybe the next coffin will be yours The bed of dead is ready, but you May lay down if you want justice Is paid to do it and never felt shame Works for all Burying us in misery She is blind, but feelsthe smells of Blame. Damned hands doesn't builds Luxurious coffins for rich ones. Justice Is paid to do it and never felt shame Justice was paid, damned hands Build coffins, coffins with certain measure for the Poor, they build damaged wood coffins, maybe the Next coffin will be yours. The bed of dead is ready But you may lay down if you want, justice works For all burying us in misery She is blind, but feels The smells of blame It builds coffins for the hungry!