Step by step by step by step by Step by step by step by step by Did I walk too far to turn around? (round) Did I walk too far to turn around? Did I walk too far to turn around? (round) Did I walk too far to turn around? Too far to turn around, round Too far to turn around, round Step by step by step by step by In a circle Through the wretched All because they assumed this, even mattered, trapped beneath Step by step by step by step by Step by step by step by step by In a circle Through the wretched All because they assumed this, even mattered, trapped beneath Será que eu andei muito longe Pra dar a volta? Será que eu andei muito longe Pra dar a volta? Será que eu andei muito longe Pra dar a volta? Será que eu andei muito longe Pra dar a volta? Muito longe Pra dar a volta Muito longe Pra dar a volta Passo a passo Passo a passo Importa qual eu tome? Passo a passo Passo a passo Importa qual eu tome? Muito longe Pra dar a volta Muito longe Pra dar a volta