Torn up and tattered We fly at mid-staff So hang us halfway up the highest mast Wrecked and abandoned We have lost all hope All faith was gone as the waves swallowed our boat All assurance is gone Our inspiration has run dry Miles and miles of water And not a drop could satisfy I am sorry, for making you think That I would let you drown While our boat sinks I am telling you No, I am promising That I won't let you down Believe in me We are so much more Than our past Too afraid to let go Too brave to loosen our grasp The wind in our sails Has been stolen from us And we're not moving anytime soon The ocean is haunting, unforgiving at night So dark and deep It tries to make it seem That we will never see tomorrow We will never see the light of the day But my friend I must say The Sun also rises And I will be there by your side To greet it with open eyes Defeated But not yet broken Understated Yet not outspoken Worth more than these shattered bones we carry