Vodka on your breath Heart devoid of dreams Hope that left so long ago Mangled by paternity Wine on your breath Mouth full of hate Hope that left so long ago Mangled by maternity The apple falls directly below the tree But the tree is dead Which leaves the apple Rotten as can be Wary me Parry me Carry me Bury me (Line approaching line) (End apprehending end) Bright futures thrown away In the name of an escape Words from aspiring artists Replaced by silent mouths agape Nights forgotten Vice begotten Wary me Parry me Carry me Bury me (Line approaching line) (End apprehending end) Bereft behest An authors voice Silenced on a blank page Numbing the sting Of inadequacy Unfair exchange Thought for naught Leaning on crutches Meant for killing slowly Now you can only bide your time The apple falls Directly below the tree But the tree is dead Which leaves the apple Rotten as can be Rotten Fertile, though rotten through Germination begins as corrupt seeds Spread their sickness through the landscape Infecting all