Labyrinth with no exit he should find and seven maiden´s he had to eat up forced to live in a prison of ways and ways with no solution Dedalo and his son built castle huge full of curves and corridors death would be the only salvation for stop being evil Asterion Son of cross between humans and animals he must have suffered his mother´s fantasies bearing the horns for the whole eternity till he could reach the freedom ASTERION ASTERION ASTERION He went over his palace finding only tasty slaves there was no way out to resurrection from his sadic kingdom evil asterion Helped by a heap that Ariadna handled him the young boy stabbed him in the back the time of his death was about to come heaven or hell would be his end ASTERION ASTERION ASTERION From Athens came a prince eager for revenge he had to do the most cruel slaughter Thesseus his name and his only mission to free his people from the terror he inspire That was the story of the most brutal beast half human ,half animal he wouldn´t be forced to live in his prison at last freedom for the evil Asterion ASTERION ASTERION ASTERION