
Until the end


The demon awaits; he's laughing at Artan now 
A red sword in hand, in the eyes a burning fire 

Into the Hall of Darkness 
The epic fight begins 
The pure of heart has taken the first blood 
But the evil one is ready for his attack 

Though Artan does his best 
It may be just too hard 

Until the end fights for the hope 
He doesn't know he's not aloneÿ 
It's not the sword, it is the heart 
He must rely on for the fight 
Artan's running all around 
Tryin' hard to trick the demon 
But his blows are far too weak 
He can wound, he cannot kill 
Kamen' sword is burning fire-he doesn't need to touch youÿ 
Coming close it is enough-to feel the deadly heat 

How can you dare to challenge me? 
Are you insane or want to die? 

I won't let go, I won't surrender 
I'll give it all, also my lifeÿ 

My power comes right from a god 
My fate's to rule, I am the Oneÿ 

Maybe it's true, but we will stand 
And we will fight to the last man 
But in the end, right when all it seems to be lost 
Slayn here he comes, taking himself Kamen's deadly lounge 
Then, by the sword, Artan cuts the demon's head off 
All is over now, the end of the war