Human life was put in this domain Endless existence in mental pain Standing in line for the uniform Joining in the mass and conform Loose your innocence to the man Mind is ready to be mentally scanned The prophecy can be found in the eye The modern man left with suit and tie You ain't nothing to them if you're free You'll end up dead in this killing spree Follow yourself or be civilzed to death Civilzed... Civilzed... Civilzed... To death! Functioning as a robot mind You're just all one of a kind Policing yourselves a living dead herd A rotten soul will never be heard Cultural depravation to lose your roots Instruments of fear put on your boots Time to march, time to rise To the last breath Follow yourself or be civilized to death You ain't nothing to them if you're free You'll end up dead in this killing spree Follow yourself or be civilzed to death Civilzed... Civilzed... Civilzed... To death! Civilized to death!