Down By Law


Down By Law

You talk about tolerance
You talk about forgiveness
But you're the most intolerant one I know
You talk about redeption
Talk about healing the hatred
You're the most hateful one I know

Your faith is all about conformity
Your one-way smile a mask of deformity
This is my dysfunctional family

If Christ came to heal the sick
Why do you only want to hang out with the well?
You won't get there
Just a one-way trip to hell
You want to hear the Word
But you only preach to the choir
That's an arrogance I don't desire

Your faith is all about conformity
Your one-way smile a mask of deformity
This is my dysfunctional family

I wish you well, I really do
But I can't believe in you
I believe God made us free
Even if you don't agree
I believe in liberty
I believe in freedom
I don't believe in conformity
I don't believe in you