I remember a time when there was nothing but trees and green grass Now i look around in concrete times and stay behind the glass Crowds of people but i'm all alone Staring at the bill for the telephone Sometimes i miss those days, when the world was green and growing But there's too many people now too mean and too knowing They say you've got to be hard in a hard world - Say goodbye to suburban boys, cause urban joy is hard to find What you gonna do? it's all around you Sounds of the street start to surround you What you gonna do in concrete times? Now i know these memories are just my naivete And i know that boyhood's gone and this is where you stay But so much has changed that i can see Now i hear sirens and turn up the t.v. I remember knowing every house and every name on our street Now i don't even know our next door neighbors, just the sound of their feet - cause your eyes are more open the older you get But the wide eyes of childhood are gone forever - you see more and less And school plays have been replaced And too many friends have joined the race The newspaper brings sad news through my door Acceptance and gritted teeth when you walk outside at night Guns and knives replaced the schoolyard fight And the street lights blinking on and on, keep me up for hours Along with my thoughts, in a pretty concrete tower