The restaurant is crowded And she hates it when he’s late But she lies when he arrives She didn’t mind the wait They order soup and meat and wine She’s sane and he’s polite But is there something burning here Is everything alright? And whatever happened to roses To roses red and wild The kind that grew in her grandmother’s arbor When she was a child And the monster smiled? He spills red wine across the cloth And she tries to let it pass But she knows there’s something burning here And shatters with the glass The monster must be recognized! She hears her body shout If we don’t give it dignity This planet is going out! And whatever happened to roses To roses red and wild The kind that grew in her grandmother’s arbor When she was a child And the monster smiled? We mustn’t let that precious beast To contemplate its death To lick its wounds in secrecy She pauses for the breath And the smell of something burning In the overcrowded room Has disappeared and in its place Is the fragrance of perfume Roses and roses Essence of roses Roses red Roses wild The kind that grew in her grandmother’s arbor When she was a child And the monster smiled Roses red Roses wild Roses grateful the monster smiled