star of wonder star of night star of royal beauty bright westward leading still proceeding guide us with thy perfect light he brought me a star he carved out of wood he stole from my own back yard uneven unpolished repainted unfinished unwrapped and without any card hey how do you like the star he says we're out havin' dinner that night terrific i tell him and how is your kid? my kid? oh he's doin' all right do you think you'll get married? i ask in my worst artificial rehearsed type of voice eat your chop suey he orders then answers she waited too late and i don't have a choice star of wonder star of whim royal beauty burning dim he brought me a star he carved out of wood to hang on my xmas tree uneven unpolished repainted half-finished i think it's a portrait of me we only made it but one time y'know she wanted to get knocked up she worked it out with her astrology chart i let go of my hot coffee cup and his elbow is scalded (the embroidered heart on his sleeve pulls apart at the seam) astrology chart astrology chart i better laugh quick either that or i'll scream! star of wonder star of woe ragged beauty burning low the spirit of christmas is something like love it's hope but it's mainly mirage and after the season the hope has been lost with the tinsel you've tossed behind the garage the empress of china she laughs when i laugh we've both played this scene before hey how is your kid? and i don't have a choice and once more and once more and once more i stare at my fork the empress would grab it and stand up and stab it in his neck he lies and he cheat and he eats from my plate and hates himself 'cause he can't pay the check! still there's that star he stole with his hands and carved with his heart for the limb at the top of my tree it's a portrait of me ain't it also a portrait of him? a saint who's been tainted repainted rejected a dead resurrected crooked star he's low but he's high but hell so am i ain't that why i love him i love him i love him i love him i love him i love him i love him i love him i love him? star of wonder star of doubt ragged beauty burning out...