Dorsal Atlântica

Global Village

Dorsal Atlântica

In front of the egyptian sphinx 
Where the sun has been raising for centuries 
A cultural opression has born with a Pizza-Hut shop 
The ancient Gods or having pizza? 
Global Village is cultural Terrorism 
The sun is always setting in the west for ages 
Where the dead have been buried 
Keeping up the tradition 
Bury Pizza-Hut there too 
The ancient Gods or having pizza? 
Global Village is cultural Terrorism 
Uncultural common knowledge 
Demands our inconditional surrender 
What they stand for mass-media effect 
Pull me off this case 
I'm gonna make my day 
The same old movie 
The strong beats the weak 
We used to know it as roman peace 
In the school of life 
We must learn the meaning