Here in America it's a propaganda race We're gonna put a teacher in space Now we've gone and we've spread her far and wide She's a great symbol of the national pride Ollie Ollie North, North American hero You know he knows no letter of the law He's living proof, with a patriotic attitude You can get away with anything at all Down in washington they have their own language They could talk forever and they'll never say a thing Look at him up there, its an occupation To keep us from knowing whats going on Look at our President, he's dodging questions Oh how his magic golden teeth glow There's a major major disconnection Between what he says and what he says he knows CHORUS: America, so beautiful oh you know its so wonderful and clean America, so beautiful Its the only place that I've ever seen Pollution pollution condenses on my ceiling Now it finally done drip on my face Going to the doctor to find out if its malignant To see if I can keep up this rugged pace Goin' down goin' down to Three Mile Island I got a big settlement in my hand Trading in the health of my three children In on a lousy fifty grand CHORUS Sexy world lives on my TV wiggle and a jiggle is the name of the game I'm so in love with two dimensional reality and I'm sure you feel the same Goin' to the shopping mall, shopping mall gonna see myself in one and all gonna come away so mighty disappointed ain't got enough money for everything I wanted Looking for a moral lesson down on Wall Street I'm carrying ulcers in my feet we're engaged in a reverse Robin Hood all of my friends say that greed is good Here in America everthing is bought and sold you can get anything for little bits of gold we'll rape the earth and ruin the air cut down every tree from here to there CHORUS