As his father, now a murderer and exiled Out of Iceland left Eirikinn Raud With his arms crossed and his eyes facing the sea A hard punishment for a Viking like him Oh! To fortune he'll sail To spit in his enemies face To fortune he'll sail. Oh! To fortune he'll sail To spit in his enemies' faces To fortune he'll sail With a small draken he sailed west The westmanis he would pirate and pile But he just found their houses abandoned So he kept sailing trough the Breidi fjord As the Landnamabok says, that was the history of Eric the Red As the Flateyarbok says, that was the history of Eric the Red As the Landnamabok says That was the history of Eric the Red As the Flateyarbok says That was the history of Eric the Red He traveled among the frozen vastness Giving names to the places he had been Eric and his companions were the first Europeans To ever step in North-American soil Oh! 3 years passed by Eric returned full of pride And he doesn't need to stay Oh! Now he has his own land To Greenland he invited his people and there he will reign Eric doesn't need to stay But is Greenland an appropriate name for a desert of ice? A bloody pirate? A vile man? The answer to that is in time's hands A dodger? A cheater? Deceiving people to live in his barren kingdom