Hey, where've you been? It's been one empty month on your youtube page You say that you're busy I clearly don't follow your twitter So how do you fill your days? Well, for most of May I went up the east coast of the USA! In a messy tour van With the best people in the world, playing shows every day Then, I came back Had two days to readjust Then meetings shoots and prepping stuff Because I went to Comicon A weekend of hugs and hi's Thank you all for being so nice One day off, then four mad shows and up at 5 AM For a shoot in Brighton Forgot that I had a flight Frantically packed that night Brunch with a company A premiere in Germany Three meetings in a day Prepping for the USA I can sleep for twelve hours But sometimes I get three Trying to do my taxes And sell merch in my dreams My flat isn't clean Friends shout: Where have you been To do lists for days My loft bed's about to break Invoice this Email that Call your accountant Promote this app Keep receipts, PLEASE CALL UP YOUR DENTISTS WHEN THEY AREN'T SHUT Hey Dodie when are u free?! TrY mE in 2019 I'M bUsY I'm BuSY I'm SO BuSY