T-turn it on! Let me play on machines Well, the names in the wall Why don't suggest me a dream? I can't understand That production you've made Kill yourself in right time Teach 'em all that you learn The men bought the men My world in their hands The spirits cries Don't forget to remember How they told you the lies It's the end! Here's your money Get out of my way! It's the end! Suck my money I'll buy you again! When I reach All the words When you tell me the worst When you say 'em They are all alone! Killing cows in a farm Like an army from war Say me something Cause I want understand! But they got nothing to say! Look at the new cows! But they got nothing to say! Look at the new cows! But they got nothing to say! Look at the new cows! But they got nothing to say! Yeah! You will learn, someday you learn Something, someday. You will learn, someday you learn Something, someday. You will learn, someday you learn Something, someday. You will learn, someday you learn Something, someday.