Why do I feel so weak? Nobody deserves to go through what I went through Why everyone treat me like that? Nobody understands what I went through So sometimes I want to cry But others say this is weakness Just fuck ‘em all Because crying isn’t a sign of weakness Why I can’t forget the past? Mistakes and confusing thoughts Belongs to the past But that can’t haunt me if I don’t let it So sometimes I want to cry But others say this is weakness Just fuck ‘em all Because crying isn’t a sign of weakness Crying isn’t a sign of weakness It’s just another voice talking of my hear Just another enemy But the truth is that I have much fear To not be ready I don’t let the bastards take me down Don’t let the assholes take my crown And I'll cry as often as necessary My tears don't mean my losing My thoughts are not confusing And I'm starting over with tears in my eyes 'Cause all that I'm asking is one more try So sometimes I want to cry But others say this is weakness Just fuck ‘em all Because crying isn’t a sign of weakness And I'm proud of who I am Because the past can't haunt me anymore