Lightening strikes the ground Pagan spirit's found To raise the flag of Kolovrat To reborn the ancient power Pagan Spirit,Slava's in it! Srbijo!Majko! Prodase te zlobnici Kidase te krvnici, Svi poklekli ratnici Prodase te majko,sinovi tvoji! Svi oni lezace mrtvi, Ja sam onaj sto branice prvi Ja sam onaj sto ubijace prvi Kunem se majko,svojom slovenskom krvi! Holy Serbia of thunder Peruna! Sveta Srbija zemlja je naroda! Ne onih sto izdaju je zarad dukata Those will fall first,that is my oath! Bravely I stand in front of the death I'll rather die instead of serve Those who are declining Seth! Tyrant says:"Choose your last wish!" I choose to see enemy's head on the dish, Taritor deserves to cut off his head Never Taritor,it's better off dead! Srbi,udruzite se,Srbi borite se, za zemlju svoju na kojoj odrastaste Za zemlju svojih predaka,za zemlju starih bogova Setite se sta znaci sloboda Oslobodite se okova! Raise the flag of Kolovrat Let the traitors feel ancient wrath Traitors will fall first,that's my oath!