Distorted Mind

Lost In the Tears of Reality

Distorted Mind

Souls... die 
Souls suffer before death 
Waiting for your agony to end 
But, it always stays here with you 
Cannot compromise 
For, your fate is destroying you 

Never see the day when you smile 
You freed me from your pains and sorrow 

I... cry 
When I think of your pleasant face 
Oh, where have you gone, my love? 
Far away from me... 
Don't know what I've done to be 
Hurting for the while... 
Nothing they can do to make me smile 

Crushed my heart 
Falsened what was true 
Breaking my grip on my life 
Torn up by a knife 

But, you're all I had 
Joyous, replacing thoughts of the bad 
Now, I'm on my own 
Surprised how much my mind has grown 
Now, my only fear... 
Is no painful thought in you, dear 
Wish you down to hell... 
There, you'll blend with all the other 



Get away 

Made of glass... 
Shattered now... 
This, you've done to destroy me 

Out my wounds... 
Stained of blood... 
From the steal I tasted 

Pitiful thoughts of flesh 
Enraptured life of death 
Tortured to the end... 
As you suffer in denial 

The time has come for you to fade away 
Distanced by a line of difference 
We have grown apart from the start 
What you haven't seen is our demise 

Memories of all we have been through and seen 
Tarnished are the once-loved remembrances 
Vacant hearts - lost in the tears of fate 
Lost in the Tears of Reality 

Living off the tortures I have been dealt 
Mirror to all I despise 
Shadowed by what is not I 
Why have I lost myself? 

I forever... 
...have started... 
...raining sadness 
Mental oceans... 
...are regretful 

Dissolved into... 
...lost visions. 
Broken sculptures. 
Pieces crumble... 
...like our lives' rusted structures 

Defaced columns… 
…of my heart… 
Fluid torment 
Vocal daggers of destruction… 
…come to take your life. 

Look what you've done 
I've died for dreaming... 
Dreams of laughter... 
Lived out sorrow 

Betrayal is now your focus in life 
Hellish blazing fires bursting through my eyes 
Burning free your flesh to melt away my disease 
Stealing now, your deepest cherished desires 

Freezing yourself in time, past of laughs and more 
Currently defeating all we had in store 
Later on, you will see- you have then been dimmed 
That's the time you'll realize... 
I'm no longer him. 

Pain feasts on me 
Hunger you now feed 
Life- what you see 
Death- reach to me 

Tinted glass… 
Fades you out… 
This is done to forget you 
Can be cruel… 
When you're hurt 
By a friend who once healed you 

Wishful thoughts of past 
These damaged hopes now last 
What shall now be done? 
A gallows's structure has begun 

Your rope 
My life 

Your time 

The call 
You fall 

Words erased from stone 
Chisel brand new thoughts of my own 
Forget all you've said 
Brush the dust of hate I've been fed 
Now, what do you fear? 
Is thee hurt in what you now hear? 
Who cares if I've cried? 
Wouldn't even phase you if I died 

Ruled my life 
From the cards you drew 
Looking down at you in spite 
Make believe 
You are gone from sight 

I've… bled 
Dripping through the veins of my dread 
Floor has now been soaked 
Stained here by the life you have choked 
Deep regret in mind? 
Bother none, for you will not find 
My forgiving side 
What you search for has been destroyed 

Eyes will see you now through the fire 
Let's see what goal in life you retire 

You like what you see? 
Fragments of what I used to be 
I move on in life 
Future hopeful for a wife 
Family of my own 
Treasures for this man to be sewn 
There's no place for you 
So I let you fade away 

From my life… 
Here's the grave I am digging 
Just for you… 
Tomb of stone… 
Unmarked grave is all for you 

Pieces of my life 
Glued here by the dark 
Alone I shall stay 
Writing of my heart that's been frayed 

"I have forever been lost within the tears of my own reality"