The sun burned On that fateful day As the Nazarene, carried the cross On the hills of Golgotha There came a Jew, amongst The crowd of taunting scum And a taunt he too threw At the dying saviour "Hurry Jesus, why does thou tarry?" Though the blood flowed from His crown of thorns A steady gaze the Nazarene set Upon the Jew And in that moment, uttered the words "You shall wait for my return" And his fate was sealed INFIDEL INSOLENCE To roam the earth in immortality His cage until his appointed return INFERNAL ATTRITION When Crusaders Bloodied the Holy Land Saturated under the shadow Of Crosses And when Panzers Overran Europe Gasping for breath In smothered chambers 6 millions crushed Under the jaws of the Wolf Yet he still wandered on Death, a mercy? Ungranted...Until his return...HIS RETURN!!! "You shall wait for my return" And his fate was sealed INFIDEL INSOLENCE To roam the earth in immortality His cage, until his appointed return INFERNAL ATTRITION "You shall wait for my return" And his fate was sealed INFIDEL INSOLENCE To roam the earth in immortality His cage until his appointed return INFERNAL ATTRITION