Dismal Divinity

Lapse of Faith

Dismal Divinity

Envious of all 
Sick of life 
Cursing days and hours 
You're going nowhere passing by a holy place 
and a holy man says come my son 
With you're tormented mind 
you start telling the horror of your life 
On the other side you feel the holy man is 
making fun of you Forgive me father for I 
have sinned Yesterday I went to a unknown 
house blinded by surge of evil there they 
were all alone 
I could fell and smell they're fear 
I did not care I grabbed my knife 
and one of them I started to stab 
I stabbed every part of their bodies 
I did not stop until there was a pool of blood 
covered in blood i went looking for the other victim 
She scremas 
I grab the other one and started to rape her 
while I mutilate her face 
That's my story father what will become if me? 
The holy man was stunned and with fears in his heart 
He slowly rises to his feet and without 
making a sound he makes his way to the other side 
to meet this hideous butcher 
Oh mother! 
Oh sister 
A lapse of faith 
in the precense of the holy ghost 
whit his bare hands the holy man drains 
under a spell of rage 
He has taken my family away from me 
As i have taken his life from him