Tom: F#m E|E|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------|| I Got No Time - Dirty Heads E|E|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------|| Tabbed by: This is my first attempt at writing tabs so be please bare with me if I make any mistakes or something doesn't make sense. This is a great song by one of my favorite bands of all time. I've seen other tabs out there of this song which were extremely close, but when I saw the Dirty Heads live I am 100% sure this is the way Duddy played it. Tuning: E|---------------------------------------------------------------------------| B|---------------------------------------------------------------------------| G|-----------9-11h--9---9-11h/p-9--------------------------------------------| D|-----------9------9-------------11--9/11\9/11\9----------------------------| A|--------9---------------------------9/11\9/11\9----------------------------| E|----5/7--------------------------------------------------------------------| E|---------------------------------------------------------------------------| B|---------------------------------------------------------------------------| G|-------------9-11h--9--9-11h/13---9-11h/p-9-------9/11\9/11\9---9----------| D|----------9--9------9-----------------------11----9/11\9/11\9---9----------| A|----9-11h------------------------------------------------------------------| E|---------------------------------------------------------------------------| With the hammer-on to the 11 on the G make sure you hit it immediately after you play the 9th fret D 9th fret G chord. You want it to be a split second after you play the chord, similar to a Hendrix type style. E|---------------------------------------------------------------------------| B|----------------------------7--7-7-7---------------------------------------| G|----------------------------7--7-7-7---------------------------------------| D|----7-*-7-7-*--7-7-*-7-7/11-5--5-5-5---------------------------------------| A|----7-*-7-7-*--7-7-*-7-7/11------------------------------------------------| E|----5-*-5-5-*--5-5-*-5-5/9-------------------------------------------------| ^ ^ ^ This is what's played behind the rapping in the rest of the song. The rhythm is kind of tricky. Listen to the song and play around with some muted strums between the first few power chords. The best advice I can give you is the notes with the ^ underneath hit on the upstrum and do a quick down right after and let it ring for a second. Also don't exagerrate the slide too much from the 5th/7th/7th fret chord to the 9th/11th/11th, its more of a transition into the higher notes. ************************************ | / slide up | \ slide down | h hammer-on | p pull-off | ~ vibrato | + harmonic | x Mute note | b Bend | pb Pre-bend | br Bend release | pbr Pre-bend release | brb Bend release bend