Meet me at the swamp, round the back of the gas works in Isleham I'll be sat with a fat bird, reclining I'll be sitting there, six yards, sophisticated prison stare Missing hair, spinning in my little shitty swivel chair Counting lizards with a pig as if I didn't care How does he get away with talking shit like this it isn't fair Simply isn't, yeah You need to listen, where Over there with all the victims and opinions, fair Guest list, why You look a bit depressed bitch Hold my stack of lizards while I cellotape this death wish Decorate the cess pit, celebrate with ten quid Spend it on a rainy day on anything I'm friends with Friends trip and get a bitch in the check quick And act as if it wasn't represent till the death, shit It's never pressure, I'll be there when the wrench splits With everything you never left, kept in a shed, quick Meet me at the spot that only seems to exist in deep memory Bring a pen to me and everything you're tellin' me I know I speak it so easily and cleverly But please, your dream catcher doesn't mean to be the death, you see At least capture your beliefs and head steadily Forgettin', keep remembering, intelligence is never free Don't let that bitch ever question your integrity I wanna say your name, but I don't wanna be your enemy She pens a question in my head and in my head it seems Is she just another desperate thief? Please, I keep it blessed for my team If you have to ask the question at the start, I guess you'll never see What's the point in tryna pick apart a leather seam? You can't change a spitting heart and get a settled dream Let it breathe is my message to most And I ain't tryna get dismissive, be possessive and boast I'm just tryna make you wish it's best better in hope And you know, well, if that's settled then I guess it's a bloke that you know It's only back watchin' at a mount fort I'll snap a block fountain for that downpour Meet me at the spot that only seems to exist in deep memory Bring a pen to me and everything you're tellin' me I know I speak it so easily and cleverly But please, your dream catcher doesn't mean to be the death, you see At least capture your beliefs and head steadily Forgettin', keep remembering, intelligence is never free Don't let that bitch ever question your integrity I wanna say your name, but I don't wanna be your enemy