[Chambers Of Sorrow Part II] The echoes of silence sets the hour. Gagged in the chains of "depression", I fall away. No more I will be bolted fast in the anchor of "melancholy". But finally get my longing "fulfilled" - for leaving. Did I drink too much from the goblet of "lifehope"? Did I take the vanity of joy for granted? For my battle against the pain of emptiness - this intoxication of the angst of death, Is all that is left... that is mine. In my loneliness I still know, That I have none to thank but myself. This is why I remain calm, As the rope is tightening around my neck. Silent witnesses can not give comfort. The ordinary man in the assembly of the "gravechoir". Tha land of perdition I created by my own hands. This intense attraction to the portals of death (I have as) A wandering study of tearful messe-noir. Controlled since the dawning of time, But something I never would let go.. was the sorrow.