And sometimes in the silence Something grows Do you feel alive? Somewhere in the darkness We will have to fight Lost children and silhouettes And raving against the blackest night Hatred, do you even know the meaning of the word? And sometimes in the silence I ask myself Do you feel alive? And sometimes in the silence Something grows Another dimension You're bigger now, somehow Ok, now we dive Don't put your delay on me Fuck your auto-tune Robotic ones and twos I have grain, I have grit, nitty-gritty I have darkness and truth and words, wicked, witty Do I have to be pretty For you to listen? I whisper it in your ear till you lick your lips The blessing like a twinkle in your fat eye Do you feel alive? Somewhere in the darkness We will have to fight Lost children and silhouettes And raving against the blackest night Hatred, do you even know the meaning of the word? And sometimes in the silence I ask myself Do you feel alive? And sometimes in the silence Something grows Another dimension You're bigger now, somehow OK, now we dive