People in an endless procession knocking on the door of fortune All because they can't stand still and wanna live in wonderland Maybe it's a permanent obsession, could be a search for devotion But yeah! We're gonna get it right now [chorus] We're gonna live like princes do No more living in the shadows We don't care about you, you and you We're gonna live like princes do You can keep your honest expression You can keep your social conditions I don't care what you do, you can scream if you wan't to 'Cos we're gonna live on the hill Feast 'till we've had our fill, that's what we're gonna do now [chorus] We're gonna live like princes do No more shuffling in the shadows We don't care about you, you and you We're gonna live like princes do How d'you get out of this place I wanna know How d'you get out of this place I've got to go [repeat chorus]