Awful in pain, he is looking down to see The syringes, his blood slowly tap Dripping into a bucket on the floor Needles thick as a wrist, his skin have pierced He found himself isolated in an eerie chamber Barbwire pressing his flesh to the bed Tightening for each breath he takes Fearing the end has come Awful in pain, he is looking down to see The syringes, his blood slowly tap Dripping into a bucket on the floor Needles thick as a wrist, his skin have pierced Dazed by his blood loss He feels his life slip away A light begins to shine So in pain as his vessels dry out Left alone in an half dead corpse Still alive but dead outside Still alive but dead outside EXE-CUTION-ROOM! EXE-CUTION-ROOM! He found himself isolated in an eerie chamber Barbwire pressing his flesh to the bed Tightening for each breath he takes Fearing the end has come Awful in pain, he is looking down to see The syringes, his blood slowly tap Dripping into a bucket on the floor Needles thick as a wrist, his skin have pierced He found himself isolated in an eerie chamber Barbwire pressing his flesh to the bed Tightening for each breath he takes Fearing the end has come Awful in pain, he is looking down to see The syringes, his blood slowly tap Dripping into a bucket on the floor Needles thick as a wrist, his skin have pierced