- Die Jungs fuers Grobe - Friday night, we are hot; our beer is ice cold, One wants to drink, the next wants to fuck, the third wants violence, No worries gentlemen, everybody will get theirs, We are the masters of this place, The kings in the wild east. Mouth guard and shin-protection are the standard, In this town even the children know We are the boys for the dirty work. Scars, black eyes and boxer's noses, Our appearance is shady, We're the knights out of the gutter, The glorious old campaigners They call us gangsters, criminals and psychopaths, Yet the news is full with our heroic deeds on Monday. Girls and barkeepers start begging, Ones for us to come, the others for us to finally leave. We are the boys for the dirty work Some little pissers wanted to test us, But they'll never forget the nightmare to have met us, We are the weeds that never die The scare of this area. Always without scruples, But never without beer! Start the next round, We step into the ring, Discussing for a long time was never our thing We are the boys for the dirty work [i.e. "die jungs fuers grobe" - quote from the judge in the case against Landser, referring to the crew that beat up the people who'd bootleg Landser CDs etc]