In ignorance, shaped to live suppressed Devoured by a sheltering light Obedient and restrained Rejoicing in innocence Indefagitable prayer for heavenly grace In fear for the reckoning day Praising a bastard An unconditional devotion To the unyielding one and his ways Devoured by his protective rays But as it was written A bite so small enlightened all Cognizance took the holy saviour's place The venom had gently unveiled a glaring creation below Greater than any revelation Unyielding ways and values replaced A gathering living to die, no more Abandoned light - delivering bite A gathering dying to live, reborn Remoulded their vindictive crusade began Blinded by wisdom they ran Aggressive formations unleashed Wrapped in cotton Thriving, victorious, alive The hour of triumph has come Intolerant, self-proclaimed prophets, singing the words Praise our wisdom now Turn to intolerant choirs, chanting the words Praise our wisdom now It is your way to freedom Praise our wisdom now Turn to beautiful theories consuming the earth Praise our wisdom now It is the only way Through centuries of time, imbalance in bloom The man-made illusion gave birth to a glorious age For those who defined freedom The enlightened hurling stones in all their haste Devoured by the sheltering truth Obedience replaced by comforting nothingness But with every yearning pleased confusion arose Resistance began to grow Chaos leading to the reincarnation of the balanced paradise Where nothing is more or less true A world beyond common knowledge Greater than any revelation Unyielding ways and values replaced A gathering living to die, no more Comforting light - heavenly grace A gathering dying to live, reborn Praise our ignorance Turn to intolerant choirs, changing the words Praise our ignorance It is your way to freedom Praise our ignorance Turn to the comforting balance that our preaching offers Praise our ignorance It is the only way Praise our ignorance It is your way to freedom