Beautyful wings, thus they glow no more Eyes blazing light but too impure for her god to hallow Raped and exiled angel, her fathers whore Still pure but unlike the one whom shineth in the snow As the first ray of moon strikes trough her crystal body Her shelter begins it's symphony A solid figure on a solemn throne Bare naked suffer she gloats over alone Frozen figure all alone in prison like silver palace She dwells with the echo of her whisper so lonely Behind her icy cover feeling so helpless Struggles to sin, but pray she only could Still behind her tears there was a gentle smile So futile as her crusade seemed Never was this rebel that fragile All was planned to satisfy her greed "behind the gates of divine, sleeping dead angels sleep Failure guardian angel, show me where i belong" "a sinful consecration, dreaming dead angels dream Wounded guardian angel, purified by the sin" Wildly burning wings..enshrined Celestial blood "betrothed for the dark, a new kingdom of flames One third of empyrean creatures kneel the union" "a heathenic pilgrim, marriage of divine From adobes of the dead, fire in his eyes"