Oh go easy there, cousin There's a storm a-comin' Better quit your runnin' and back down I ain't lyin' to you, mister Certifiable twister Headed straight for the center of this town And oh yes my brothers We are gonna lean on each other If we're gonna turn this situation 'round Oh and all of it was true The sunlight shines right through You thought you were done with those days But they ain't done with you Oh we'll get you down off of the ropes We'll clean you up, we'll give you hope Check your bruised and battered egos at the door All our schemes have been foiled Give away what's left of the spoils We can always leave 'em wantin' a little more And the wounded bird of all our trust Lie in the field covered in rust The topsoil has blown into our blood And there's a divine purpose Lying just below the surface You're the one that I've been dreaming of Oh and all of it was true The sunlight shines right through You thought you were done with those days But they ain't done with you Oh go easy there, cousin There's a storm a-comin' Better board up all your windows and your doors And there's a divine purpose Lying just below the surface You're the one that I was put here for