It is a waterproof windproof i love youf i'm on-the-roof-kind-of-way we're in the grillroom with the groundwork you stain your skirt, skirt i love your hairdo, i hate your way yes, that's the price you pay...!!! i'm just a shipboy i pay my shiptoll and every shipday i take a shipstroll out on the deck it's complicated i underrated but now made it might it be a bit ok? no, that's the price you pay..!! i'm feeling weary he said to larry i'm gonna o.d. i hit the roadie i'm in a popband! he said 'remember james dean was looking pristine in comes the benzine out goes the rebel without a grant ...but with a fanzine' yes, that's the price you pay...!!! just like a dive-bomb you're gonna dive son ain't nothing won hon' until it's done done look out for the quake check out the ceiling there's nothing healing your life is peeling i know the feeling you just wann break no, that's the price you pay!!!...!!!