I'm looking at that third or fourth Hennessy Doin' something mean to it Keg stand, better than anybody you seen do it Kings on the table, bars goin supply you with more beer so you party the way that I do it no one touch those drinks cuz they ours how you tipsy? it's only been 2 hours now you sipping while I still devour (gimme one more drink it's power hour) the top is broke and my cans closed, I rip it open shotgunning these beers from where I put the hole in now! my wizard staff the longest and were play beer pong up until the morning Edward Fortyhands got the weakest going saw some guy just earl, guess he couldn't hold his punk! can someone console him? he just drank too much he needs a moment no one touch those drinks cuz they ours how you tipsy? it's only been 2 hours while i'm tipping the bartender's smilin' Pour me one more drink it's power hour