
The Dawn Of Dying


hells breaking loose when the daltons rode 
terrorizing aims get off the ground 
fellows-hip by brotherhood in arms 
despising law and order, got remand 
their soul has slept in cold eclipse 
roused by fighting spirit 
following the promised way straight 
to the dawn of dying 
dancing to the beat of the singing guns 
another soul is passing by 
at the dawn of dying 
the dawn of dying 

barrels sight their heads in coffeville 
lured into the trap the end is near 
at least the dead await the final storm 
baptized in fire, bodies to adorn 
bullets flow dehumanized 
but the purge is done 
within the one who told the story 
within the truth about the glory 
of the dawn of dying 
the dawn of dying 

forever crucified at the judgement's wooden spine 
the final pulse of history 
forever buried there where the others lie 
old west infinity 
perfect genocide is computerized 
the laughing face of death around 
the warning that nobody realized 
will take us to the dawn 
the dawn of dying 
the dawn of dying