Eating out some pussy it tastes hot and wet ...Bleeding on my chest It becomes a mess... Nasty little bitch thought she'd lie to me by infesting me with her H.I.V. I went down on her, she was menstruating Next thing that I know she bled on me Pulled a pubic hair from between my teeth Next that I know it was a tampon string Blood clots gushing out Chew them up, like I give a shit Choking on blood Now I'll make you choke on my cock Tossing her salad while she's on the rag Fucking her secretion as she starts bleeding Bleeding her butt, it's dripping off my nuts I don't need the darkness to fuck a nasty bitch Rotting corpses cunts exite me Fucking victims, beating them dead Choking on blood as she gives me head Knock out her teeth to get my dick in Punching her face is not a disgrace Making her scream as my dick bleeds, beating her dead by bleeding her cunt