Derek Webb

Black Eye

Derek Webb

Black eye from staring through a keyhole at my lover
I swear it's not from his fist
This stockholm syndrome comes to where they keeping you
You never know what time it is

Black eye is all it's gonna take for me to love you
It's written in my constitution
If you go you know I'm coming with you
I'm blind bound by love

Time is no friend to the ones who wait
For daylight to come
Time looks the same at the ones who hate
And the ones that do nothing

Black eye is where I'm gonna paint for your protection
To cover the tracks that you're leaving
I misplaced my face so we can be together
And red lips change how you're perceiving

Time is no friend to the ones who wait
For daylight to come
Time looks the same at the ones who hate
And the ones that do nothing

Black eye
Black eye