Der Stürmer

The Hammer falls on Zion

Der Stürmer

Awaken Immortal Gods of our Blood
Are pointing us the way to the Fight
Marching under the Hakenkreuz Flag
The Return of Aryan Heathen Might

The Iron Eagle has risen Again
To Sweep Europe as purifying Storm
Mud perish through "Night & Fog"
Jewish world "order" is crumbling down

Steel is always Stronger than gold
The Hammer Falls On Zion
Our bullets are your just reward
The Hammer Falls On Zion

United by Mighty bonds of Blood
A New Reich will Rise
Striking Fear in every coloured scum
Reclaiming what once was Ours

Feel our Thunder jewish parasite
All your hopes are turn to ashes
How does it feel "chosen" scum
Our weapons dripped in your filthy blood