Der Stürmer

Adolf der Grove

Der Stürmer

The strong from above beheld this ancient soil. His blazing eye gave rise, like Phoenix from the ashes, to the one whose name was damned by many, he who grasped the eons to leave a burning mark.
Behold he who united Aryan Nations, whose hand would crush the semitic snakes. He who brought the triumphant rise of Fyrfos. Hitler your name shall be praised! Shall be praised!
Invincible runic warlord, tried through fire and steel, accursed by those who once heed your voice. We have risen as bearers of damned Insignia. Bloodsworn forever - Loyalty unto death! Loyalty unto death! Loyalty unto death!
Ans when this world will crumble into ruins, when vile democracy vanish into nothingness. Great Adolf, you shall rise again in Triumph, your monumental return, what this rabble fears!