Der Stürmer

Baptized by the Blood of the Fallen (Blutfahne)

Der Stürmer

9th November of November 1923. A handful of sworn fighters of the NSDAP, they march to save the nation from Weimar�s shame, to spread around the country the Revolution�s game!
Brown dressed Stormtroopers hold the banners high, fearless Stosstrupp soldiers by the F�hrer�s side, for Volk and for justice, against the red front�s lies, for all the betrayed heroes and the fatherland�s lost pride!
The rotten system�s servants, the army and police, they stand against the way of the Revolutionaries! They turn their guns against Germania�s sons. The martyrs of the party forever in our hearts!
The banner of the honoured 5th SA Sturm was destined to become the sacred symbol of our truth! Once again Blutfahne sacrifies the colours of our fight, with honour Grimminger will bear it like the old times!