One man giving you breath, Two for raising the death, Three to cure a disease, Four bring eternal peace Five man carrying guns, Six to fire the bombs, Eleven to poison the sea, Twelve to capture, who's free. You've been sended To salvation, Up to the spirits Of the delivered. They wipe out Your reflection And then you vanish Into the nowhere. No person, no pain. I don't count the angels I don't count the devils, Just watch, how they're dancing And listen to their song. It's their celebration In secret dimensions Their laughter and crying The sound of universe. 13 murders are killed, 14 bridges are built 15 birds in the air 16 children to care. 17 hits break your nose 18 eyes will be closed 19 marriages broke 20 curses i spoke. The sun goes down I can't see her fire crown. Don't wake don't sleep And waterfalls i weep. Left, right, pleasure or pain, All these discrepancies trouble my brain. Left, right, higher or low I've painted a picture i want you to show. Left, right heaven or hell There's no connection, no story to tell. Left right, fire and eyes, The brave one's a coward and honesty lies. Left, right, hope and despair Life is deceitful, my friend, be aware.