Waking up from a dream, going round and round and round. After a while once experiences begins to have a, what I would call “haven’t we been here before feeling? ”. And then you begin wondering, where am I going? What do I want to happen? And of course as soon as you ask yourself that you begin to fantasize. And so I soon found myself at a great push-button place, with buttons available for every conceivable thing I could wish. All possible pleasures are available. You know you go “Going! ” like that and here is Cleopatra, then press this button, and symphonic music. So I simply set myself to thinking through how far we could go? Now, you suddenly notice there’s a button labeled Surprise. You push that – and here we are In hiding you'll find the shadows of time will recite the words that you could not say, eloquently most oftenly misleads the words in the shadows will put you to sleep Say, eloquence most oftenly misleads the words in the shadows will put you to sleep A bird, crippled in flight, is unlikely to fall. It's wings will glide it to safety Now run, open those arms Set assumptions aside, surprises will (creep up on you)