In a garden which dead bodies have been buried Each one looks like a sprouting plant your rotten organisms,and useless parts the bodies belong to me,which your god refused your fucking bodies are so wretched but they are unique masterpieces for me a different organ,and skin from each body my aged hatchet,in my hand i will re-create a new torso it needs to contain my sensations it must feel the pains within hellfire never experienced while alive Let's begin to work with the kidneys Then take the spleen and stomach everything located faultless into my masterpiece if not he won't give my reward for your rotten bodies Take the guts, no need to be tidy Lungs are important, they need to breathe to feel the pain Return to life, become my child The only thing that he needs to recreate An unbeating, dead and damned heart My child is ready to be reborn it will be in the world and hell if god has his son then i will create one too armless, legless and headless you see my perfect masterpiece i created, but i owe him his advice only him, myself and my hatchet