Spirits toiling in flames, buring men to cinders Conscience of the torment to arise Turning life in to black burned masses Death for me stands close beside Watch the flesh drip from their bones Hear their dying screams rise high above the flames Burn victim, flames tearing right through you A price this race must pay Pass the corpse to the next in line The dead are now stiff and hard The touch of dead flesh turns the insides Their fate's have drawn a final card Black smoke rising from a sickening pyre The spread of lime can't hide the smell The peircing screams of a million souls In pain will linger... And dwell KILL, KILL, they chant, KILL, KILL A worlds domination is at hand KILL, KILL, they chant, KILL, KILL A rising voice throughout the land KILL, KILL, they chant, KILL, KILL The twisted masses hail to the Fuhrer KILL, KILL, they chant, KILL, KILL Will we be the next for him to slaughter Mass mounds of half burned bodies And thousands waiting helpless for the kill Line the men that are next to die Question not our fathers will Clear the stoves of the twisted mess By his word we must abide In ridding the world of a lesser life Sell the all the final lie