
No Surrender


Are we comin on to strong 
Lyrics to bold to sing along 
We've been around way to long to back down
Put us down for what were fighting for 
Brush the dirt off well come back for more 
Never waiving what we say well hold our ground

We found somethin worth livin for
Hes dropped the bomb hes settled the score 
Its just a matter of time till the worlds knee will bow 
Fight to the death and well rise above 
Saw through the lies and the systems corrupt 
Take that white flag and then well burn it to the ground

Raise the white flag and lay our arms down? - NO SURRENDER
Comin out with a bang a guns a blazin - IN YOUR FACE

Back to back dodgin bullets again
The duels on theres no countin to 10
Whose gunna be the first to draw
Last man standing and the first to fall