
Beautiful, Rich and Horny


My lips, My hips,
My ass, My class,
My face, My place,
My rocks, Botox,
My nails, My tan,
My million dollar man.

My men, My boys,
My girls, My toys,
My pool, My buel,
My life, I rule!
My name, My fame,
No pain, No shame,
My shade, Enlade,
My dress, Okay,
My tickets, My trips,
My doctor prescripts.

I'm so beautiful beau-beautiful beau-beautiful!
I'm so rich, rich rich
I'm so beautiful beau-beautiful beau-beautiful!
I'm so horny, horny, horny

I'm so Beautiful, Rich and Horny!


My panties, So pink,
My eyelashes blink,
My drive, My thrust,
My kiss, My lust,
My chet, So wet,
My thighs, My eye,
My jeans, My creams,
My screams!

I'm So Beautiful, Rich and Horny! (x2)