Work it; make it; do it; makes us. Harder, better, faster, stronger. More than, hour, our, never. Ever, after, work is, over. Work it, make it, do it, makes us. Harder, better, faster, stronger. Work it harder, make it better, do it faster, makes us stronger. More than ever hour after our work is never over. Work it harder, make it better, do it faster, makes us stronger. More than ever hour after our work is never over. (Not part of lyrics - The following 6 lines are sung in variouspitches and speeds) Work it harder, make it better, do it faster, makes us stronger. More than ever hour after our work is never over. Work it harder, make it better, do it faster, makes us stronger. More than ever hour after our work is never over. Work it harder, make it better, do it faster, makes us stronger. More than ever hour after our work is never over. Work it harder, make it better, do it faster, makes us stronger. More than ever hour after our work is never over. Work it harder, make it better, do it faster, makes us stronger. More than ever hour after our work is never over. Work it harder, make it better, do it faster, makes us stronger. More than ever hour after our work is never over. Work it harder, make it better, do it faster, makes us stronger. More than ever hour after our work is never over. Work it harder, make it better, do it faster, makes us stronger. More than ever hour after our work is never over. Work it harder, make it better, do it faster, makes us stronger. More than ever hour after our work is never over. Work it harder, make it better, do it faster, makes us stronger. More than ever hour after our work is never over. Work it harder, make it better, do it faster, makes us stronger. More than ever hour after our work is never over. Work it harder, make it better, do it faster, makes us stronger. More than ever hour after our work is never over. Mais Duro; Melhor; Mais Rápido; Mais Forte Trabalhe; construa; faça; nos faz. Mais Duro; Melhor; Mais Rápido; Mais Forte Mais do que; nosso; hora; nunca. Sempre; depois; trabalho é; acabou; Trabalhe; construa; faça; nos faz. Mais Duro; Melhor; Mais Rápido; Mais Forte Trabalhar mais duro, fazer melhor, fazer mais rápido, nos faz mais fortes. Mais que nunca, nosso trabalho extra nunca acaba. (12x)