there are rages that you can't define but they are there there are times when the grey turns black and at the ceiling you stare makes you wonder why you don't care but what does that do inside your head does it stain you like I do as disposable as a free ride unless they stick like glue cruisin lofi one day or another some stain 'll stick to you there are scissors that ain't cuttin lines crooked neither straight there are needles in all stacks of hay and there's no use in getting laid there and you'ld burn it if you weren't affraid but what does that do inside your head does it stain you like I do ? do you kick it like a dog and if you do do you pull the leach or keep it as a fetish one way or another that stain 'll color blue there are stairways climbing up to love but the railing's gone I'm not a cray that feeds on every dove I just smile when I see'm come the teddy bear could use a hug or what would you suggest in such a case would you try to wash of stains I know a manhole is bigger than a sink but out you don't walk I've seen elephants that weren't even pink one way or another that stain 'll wash off to one way or another you'll all be stained too