With every vicious lie poured from your filthy mouth, you betray innocence. Blood pumping like a river, this pain is far from over. This is your recompense.
My greatest hopes to be proven wrong have been made for you, but everything up to this point has proven otherwise. Ask no sympathy from me you are unwelcome here. You cries and fears echo on  my deaf ears. Oh sweet revenge controls my thoughts which tempt my hands to tamper with your fate. Please Heaven save me from these hateful thoughts that breed, for my my reserve from anger will be my plea of innocence.
This is the voice inside my head (x2)
No longer persuaded by death threats tears and screaming, no longer feel sorrow for what you say you've been through. Every dream that I have is a nightmare, every nightmare I have is a dream. Hoping one day i won't have to explain that the truth you've made up is a lie.
Your son has love you more than you could ever have loved anyone. How can you use him like this realize you betray your only son. When everyday I fight myself to be the bigger man. To bite my tongue and rebuild these hearts you broken. He'll know it all. He'll figure it out all by himself. He'll end this cycle and erase you from his memory.
Erase you from our memory (x2)