Is it a piece you want or is it peace you want? Is this your fatherland? Is it the holy land? Am I your enemy or a best friend to be? Will you meet up with me over the weekend? All they say Misconstrue Word of war without proof Can't you see I'm like you? Brave I will not live in fear even with the bombs in sight I will not disappear This is the beginning of my life Is this a holy war or an oil power war? Is this another phase? Is it the end of days? Am I your enemy or a best friend to be? Will you meet up with me over the weekend? Precious days of our youth Now a war, what's the use? Can't you see I'm like you? Brave With all the pain and suffering Brought from the choices they make How can we close the gap? This has got to end Another fake democracy fills our children with hate What are our choices when it's us or them?