David Knopfler

The Price For Loving You

David Knopfler

The Price For Loving You

Give me nothing if you must
Give me nothing like you do
Every day I'll pay the price
My love for you
Honey i'm still hurting
You can take that much on trust
I don't want to suffer 
But I'll suffer if I must

If that's the price for loving you
The price for loving you
You can take my heart to break 
My heart is broken anyway
When the price for loving true
Is the price for loving you
You can take my heart to break 
My heart is yours and anyway
It's the price for loving you

I went to the garden
To the garden I did run
My best friend had just slipped away
The police they did come
To tie me high to their whipping post
To beat me black and blue
I'm still the one you need the most
I'll do what I must do

If that's the price for loving you
The price for loving you 
I'll be the one you've hurt the most
By all the stars and the holy host 
When the price for loving true
Is the price for loving you
I'll be the one you've hurt the most
I will be your holy ghost
If that's the price for loving you
If that's the price for loving you
If that's the price for loving you